
Summer Cotton!

Summers are the best time for one of my favorite fibres cotton.  This great Berthable and light weight fibre  does occasionally get a bad wrap for being difficult to work in, when compared to acrylic and wool blends.  This has a lot to do with consrtuction of the fibre and how it behaves which is a much larger conversation. If you want let me know and I can make a post breaking down the fibres into an easy 101 guide for cotton. This year I was super blessed to get my hands on some Brown Sheep Company fine cotton yarn (it was sent to me to review so I did know it was coming) this number 1 light fingering cotton yarn. It has a great color and wonderful texture feel to it. It's not as course as the cootn I would choose for a dishcloth or scrubby. It's also not so fine as to be best for a shawl like a single ply wool in the same weight might be.  So clearly it was meant to be a garment. As my part of the worlds has ever increasingly hot summers cotton is a great garment to have in

Getting all wrapped up

Everyone begins somewhere... So here's my journey in the fibre arts for all to see.The patterns have been picked and the yarn has been bought. While the stash will continue to grow and the patterns will change as the list of completed projects adds up. So welcome to my ever growing fibre space.  While most of the posts here will have a focus on knitting and crochet.I will also do posts about spinning and weaving as I'm starting to learn these facets of fibre as well.   Now to the facts, I am visually impaired enough that I use a mobility cane and see very little so you wont see projects in black or dark colors as they are very difficult to work in. I work in bright colors (I love bright colors) mostly fingering weight and up again as a concession to my limitations. I'm going to cover completed projects, works in progress, my life as a knitting podcaster, and most importantly my adventures in this wonderful fibre space.  so grab your beverages, your works in progress a